Sophie Verger - The labyrinth of the imagination


Publisher: Bilingual: English and French.

ISBN: 978-2-9532172-8-5

Dimensions: 24 x 32 cm

Pages: 132
 • Price including shipping: 39€
After 30 years of creation, Sophie VERGER retraces all of her work and its development in this book, the first dedicated to her. In an original interview, she examines the meaning of her work, her research and the threads that her sculptures weave with her attentive audience.
Some texts highlight the poetic and symbolic dimension of her work, resonating with a piece or a theme. But the essence of the book lies in these superb photographs which best represent the universe of Sophie VERGER, this imaginary bestiary that she constantly reinvents. From the first sculptures to the most recent, we present an invitation to dream, an expression full of symbols of touching beauty.